Podcast, Season 3 Guest User Podcast, Season 3 Guest User

E23 - The story of Cupcakes & Counting. A fun and gorgeous cafe in Dublin that wouldn't have existed if it wasn't for a tragic natural disaster.

We are in Dublin, Ireland to chat with Jenny and Jay of Cupcakes and Counting.  Today,  it’s a cute and quirky cafe that sell gorgeous treats and delicious coffee.  But the journey to this point is so so different!  

They’re both trained as nurses.  Left the Philippines years ago to build their careers and a better life.  But all it took was one event back home that forced them to do something that would set the path for the next 10 years on a journey in baking.  

One thing has expanded to another not by their choice, but more by suggestions from people along the way saying they should do this, or try that.  It’s turned into wedding cakes, classes, cafes, and even selling baking tools.  

Their cheery attitude and relaxed approach to many things has allowed them to blossom and grow their business even during the pandemic.  Jenny’s cakes are truly special and her talent has now taken her around the world to teach others.  But listening to their story just inspires me to think almost anything is possible if you put your best foot forward and just try.  It just never hurts to try.   Right, so let’s hear the story of cupcakes and counting….

Find out more about Cupcakes and Counting here:


This podcast is produced in London and Madrid by OLBAA.

OLBAA makes the best dessert packaging on the market because it's designed by a baker and not by a spreadsheet. From strong and tall cake boxes, to the game-changing tall cupcake boxes, OLBAA loves to innovate the packaging to make bakers' bakes look the best they can be. After all, you've spent hours making all those amazing desserts, why put them in a cheap and flimsy box? Show it off and make a statement with OLBAA.

To find out more, head over to www.olbaa.shop

Sponsorship enquires (starting at as little as £50) and any questions you may have, send them over to info@olbaa.uk

See you next time on My Baking Journey!
-Haf & Rachel

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